“Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”

The Importance

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Earth is a unique planet in our solar system. What makes earth unique is its ability to be able to sustain life within its atmosphere. Planets that are very similar to earth are somewhere out there but until we learn how to travel in the vastness of space, we should take care of what we already have.

It isn’t a new fact that the earth is currently being destroyed by human activity that is why we should start doing something about this and try to repair the different damages we have caused.

The Damages

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As we continue our technological advances, the earth suffers the consequences. Through the years, different greenhouse gasses are slowly destroying the only thing that’s protecting us against the harmful UV rays of the Sun, our Ozone Layer.

Thanks to this, we have been experiencing climate change and global warming which is the reason why it seems hotter than the past decade and the different seasons seems to last either shorter or longer.

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Not only are we exposing ourselves to the unknown elements of space but the pollution we cause (land, water and air alike) causes the different animals and plants that makes this world beautiful and helps us live slowly die out


The Solution


A possible solution to our current predicament would be the 3 R’s:



Image result for no to plasticWe should try to reduce the things that pollute the planet. Refrain from using plastics since they take thousands of years to degrade and try to use eco-bags instead. Try to lessen the use of air conditioners since they produce greenhouse gasses which are harmful to our environment. If possible try to walk or use a bike when going from one place or another to lessen smoke emissions. Using eco-friendly vehicles is also an option.



Try to get the most of everything you own. If something can be used again, then use it! Don’t immediately buy another similar product if you can still use the one you have. One way to do this is buying a water container instead of a plastic bottle so that you can keep on refilling the container as opposed to buying more plastic to just throw away later.



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Sometimes, some things just cant be reused, that’s why we try to recycle them. Aluminum cans, paper and glass can be reused after they are melted down which will not only save some money from producing new ones instead but will also help the environment. You can also try recycling by thinking of creative ways on how to use trash to your advantage. Forgive me since I’m not creative enough for an example but i have seen what people can do with different recyclable materials.



This is why it is important to segregate the different trashes we have so don’t forget to throw your trash in the proper trash bins!

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The Videos

An intro to the 3r’s


Plastic Pollution

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